

As Christians, we strive to be faithful and generous stewards of the gifts God has given us. God invites us to give our lives away, both to create a more just and peaceful world, and to transform our own hearts and minds. As a community, we live out this invitation through ministries which both proclaim and embody the compassionate, challenging, inclusive love of God we encounter in Jesus.

At St Timothy there are several ways you can make your donations.  

Image result for Collection PlateTraditionally the passing of the collection plate is the most common method for ma.  Members are provided numbered contribution envelops for this purpose. During the service, the envelopes are are collected and placed on the atar as part of the worship service.  For visitors that wish to donate, general purpose envelopes are availalbe.

Our ministry expenses are often fixed regardless of church attendance.  We encourage members that are unable to attend services the consider one of the following methods to maintain your giving in times when your attendance is not possible. You can even chose to set up your donations to occur at weekly or monthly intervals.


  • Image result for postal envelope imageMailing in your donation directly to the church.  The mailing address is:

     St. Timothy Lutheran Church
    16431 52nd Avenue West
    Edmonds, WA,  98026-4718.
    Attn:  Stewardship

  • Drop off your envelop at the Church office.  If the office is closed, you can use the mail slot on the office door.

  • Often your bank can provide ACH tranasctions that send ditectly from your account to the Church's Chase account.

See the source image

  1. Most banks offer free payment options.  Our bank is Chase, who uses Zelle to offer easy transfer of funds between accounts.


  • See the source imageAlso you can use this site to process your donation from your account to the Churchs' account which provide extensitive reporting and managment of your donations.  You can select any designated offering categories and received full tax reporting as provided with donations received in person on Sunday morning.  Click the link below to start this process.


  Our online donation service is managed by Tithely a highly rated service offering a full ralnge of giving options to over 30,000 churches. faith-based groups, nonprofits, and schools trust Tithe.ly to simplify administrative processes and securely complete transactions every day. Enjoy instant email receipts, fund designation, weekly giving reminders for iPhone users, online giving, and no account sign up needed. Feel confident each time that you give. We have upgraded our web hosing service to include encrypted security features to make sure you data is safe.

This service provided a cost of 2.9% plus 30 cents for each transaction.  The donation form allows you to increase your gift to cover this cost.